Thursday, October 9, 2008
I Like Grape!!

Batik Oh Batik

Malaysian Batik does resemble the Indonesian Batik in the way of technique or raw material. Malaysian batik is recognizable by it distinguish pattern and vivid colours.
All Malaysian Batik is handmade from scratching, waxing by canting, and coloring using die. The most popular motifs are leaves and flowers. Malaysian batik depicting animals are rare because Islam norms forbid animal images as decoration. However, the butterfly theme is a common exception. The Malaysian batik is also famous for its geometrical designs, such as spirals.
The Malaysian government is now promoting Malaysian Batik through fashion by having local designers to create new fashions, inspired by batik.
"Pasor Payang"

Pasar Payang is a must-visit especially for the first-time visitors to this Sea turtle state (Negeri Penyu). The Central Market or Pasar Payang, is located by the Terengganu River. It is a favourite destination of tourists as this combination of a wet market and shopping arcade sells interesting local handicrafts like batik, brassware, brocade and songket alongside fresh local produce like fruits, vegetables and fish, or even the local delicacies such as the Keropok Lekor(crackers made from a mixture of fish and sago).It is a great shopping destination and an interesting sight. Renovation and upgrading of the market are underway transforming it into a modern yet convenient shoppers’ paradise.
Pasar Payang can be accessed through Jalan Zultan Zainal Abidin or Jalan Hiliran. From the Express Bus Station, turn right and walk about 1KM. You can see there're Istana Maziah followed by the General Post Office at the left on the way just before reaching the Pasar Payang.
1.Restoran Terapung

2.Restoran Selera Timur 2
3.Restoran Nasi Kerabu
4.A & W Pantai Batu Burok
5.Yes Kafe
iPods not just for music anymore!!

If you came home and told your parents that you needed an iPod for your study, you’d probably being pretty suspicious. But this is just the sort of thing that you may be telling in the near future.
Duke University has repurposed music-playing iPods to function in the classroom. Since 2004, all incoming freshmen have received iPods to supplement their course work. This pilot project explores the potential of multimedia devices as educational supports. So far, the project has been well received.
The iPods are used to supplement course material by allowing faculty and students to:
*Post and download lecture notes
*Access course support materials like videos, images and Podcasts
*Record oral exams
*Have an easily portable, accessible, and transferable way to access notes
*Student and teachers alike take training classes that cover both proper use of the device as well as responsible usage of the technology—a key point since critics say that multimedia devices in the classroom create new ways for students to cheat.
Read more about how Duke University is using iPods here.
PBS’ Ipod of the Beholder
Technology and Cheating in the Classroom.
Freezing on Exams - 5 Tips
Hundreds of high school students have shared this concern with us over the years When students "freeze," their low grades do not reflect their true potential. Since the first step in beating something is understanding it, we began to ask students why it was so difficult to overcome "freezing."
Here are the procedures for active learning:
1.Study Notes: Spend 10 minutes per subject every night and summarize the day's lessons into study notes. Break the information down into Main Idea, Supporting Details and Sub Details. Make these notes short and in point form, in your own words.
2.Review: 48 hours later, review your study notes. Don't memorize; just make sure you fully understand what they mean and what the information is about. Turn the notes into a story or a complete picture — use visualization if possible.
3.Keep Track: Keep a small student day book so that you can keep track of assignments, tests, homework and personal information. Make your entries in class as you get the assignments or test dates and look at your book every night before beginning your study time.
4.Learn About Yourself : What things distract you? Noise? Movement? Crowds? When you discover what makes it hard for you to pay attention, make sure you change your environment as much as possible. If noise bothers you, don't study with a radio on or at the dining room table. Find a quiet place instead.
5.Set Long-Range Goals: Stop expecting school to entertain you. When you learn to stop blaming school for not meeting all your expectations and learn to keep your eye on your long-range goals and dreams, you will begin to feel more control and power over your life. Forget about blaming others; it's your life! Take the responsibility to get the most out of it.
Senario the movie 2008

Malaysia's favourite comedic group Senario returns to the big screen two years after 2006's "Senario Pemburu Emas Yamashita". This time, they're back with a new project under the box-office specialist Ahmad Idham.
Best pals Mazlan, Azlee and Wahid move to Kuala Lumpur with hopes of fulfilling their dreams to become the nation's best comedians. As they reached the big city, the road to stardom proves to be more difficult then they thought with obstacles to overcome. Their troubles start when they are apprehended by the police who thought that they are a group of wanted robbers, as they actually do resemble the real robbers. As their audition is nearing, the guys struggle for a way to escape from jail, and be able to take part in their life-changing audition.
Blood Type Diet

The blood type diet is a diet advocated by Peter D'Adamo and outlined in his book Eat Right 4 Your Type. Its basic premise is that ABO blood type is the most important factor in determining a healthy diet. The diet is widely derided by dieticians, physicians, and nutritional scientists as having no scientific basis.
D'Adamo groups those thirteen races together by ABO blood group, each type within this group having unique dietary recommendations:
Blood group O is believed by D'Adamo to be the hunter, the earliest human blood group. The diet recommends that these supposedly muscular, active people eat a meat-rich diet along the lines of the Paleolithic diet.
Blood group A is called the cultivator by D'Adamo, who believes it to be a more recently evolved blood type, dating back from the dawn of agriculture. The diet recommends that individuals of blood group A eat a diet emphasizing vegetables and free of red meat, a more vegetarian food intake.
Blood group B is, according to D'Adamo, the nomad, associated with a strong immune system and a flexible digestive system. The blood type diet claims that people of blood type B are the only ones who can thrive on dairy products.
Blood group AB, per D'Adamo, the enigma, the most recently evolved type. In terms of dietary needs, his blood type diet treats this group as an intermediate between blood types A and B.
Oh sweety!!!

Can you imagine the taste of mangosteen..? I’m sure most of you would like the taste of this sweet and juicy fruit. The mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) is a tropical evergreen tree, believed to have originated in the Sunda Islands and the Moluccas. The tree grows from 7 to 25 meters tall. The rind (exocarp) of the edible fruit is deep reddish purple when ripe. Botanically an aril, the fragrant edible flesh is sweet and creamy, citrusy with some peach flavor. Mangosteen is closely related to other edible tropical fruits such as button mangosteen and lemondrop mangosteen.
There are many nutrient content and antioxidant strength that in the fruit.Mangosteen is typically advertised and marketed as part of an emerging category of novel functional foods sometimes called "superfruits"presumed to have a combination of 1) appealing subjective characteristics, such as taste, fragrance and visual qualities, 2) nutrient richness, 3) antioxidant strength and potential impact for lowering risk against human diseases.
When analyzed specifically for its edible aril, mangosteen meets only the first criterion above, as its overall nutrient profile is absent of important content it contains no pigmentation (correspondingly, no antioxidant phytochemicals in significant concentration) and there is no scientific evidence of aril constituents having any health properties
Should purée or juice from the arils be infused with exocarp phenolic extracts, mangosteen juice adopts the purple color and astringency of its exocarp pigments. It is usually balanced for taste with sweeteners possibly requiring juices from other fruits.
So enjoy eating this type of fruit on this coming fruit season for the next year..
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
How To Be Friendly
Being friendly should be an easy task, no matter who you are. It requires a few minor adjustments, but overall you will feel better and treat people better.
1. Smile when you see people you recognize.
2.Learn to speak small talk.
3.Try to talk about positive topics.
4.Have a sense of humor.
5.Break your worst habits.
6.Never ever be rude.
7.Look at yourself in the mirror and think positive thoughts about your appearance...If you like yourself, you'll be more likely to pay attention to others rather than focusing on your insecurities.
8.Don't be shy!! Say hello to people you haven't talked to in a while, send an email, a letter, a nice Post-It...Just keep in touch, it will be appreciated.
9.Say Hello, it never hurts to say "Hi, how are you doing?"
10.Try to use peoples' names. A hint for remembering names is to repeat their name every time you see the person.
1.If you are overly friendly, you might end up seeming creepy.
2.Be careful with your sense of humour though, saying a joke which seems funny to you and tell it to others, it might be not funny and you will be totally be embarrassed, so try it on people you trust first.