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Monday, August 4, 2008

Health Benefits of Orange

Orange is one of the most favorite fruit in the world. Orange is loaded with vitamins, and the most abundant vitamin in orange is Vitamin C. This powerful vitamin protect our body against harmful elements.

* Asthma
* Bronchitis
* Tuberculosis
* Pneumonia
* Rheumatism
* Prevent kidney stone
* Helps lower cholesterol
* Helps prevent diabetes
* Arthritis
* High blood pressure
* Persons addicted to alcohol

so do eat orange and get all of its benefits

How can I manage stress positively

1.Stepping back from the situation
When you feel yourself becoming tense in a situation try stepping back from it and observe how you are reacting.
2.Better breathing
When we become anxious and tense our breathing changes. It becomes shallow, fast and irregular.Breath about 3secs until you become calmer.
clench each set of muscles tightly so you can feel all the tension being concentrated in that one place then release the tension letting it flow out of your body.
4.Easy eating
Try to eat slowly and peacefully and enjoy your meal. If you are feeling stressed you could consider vitamin supplements.
5.Don't try to be perfect
Think about what is important to you, what you want to focus on, what you want to achieve rather than trying to live up to other people's expectations.

The Ten Laws of Better Health

1. Better health is a result of life affirming habits that are repeated on a daily basis. The key to a healthy life is having healthy habits rather than unhealthy ones.

2. Our mind and emotions have a direct affect on our health. Therefore what we focus on and what we think about and how we deal with emotions are all important considerations when creating a healthy lifestyle.

3. Diet plays a key role in our overall health and our response to disease and infection. Therefore cultivating a sound diet is an important step to a healthy life.

4. Daily exercise, even in small amounts can make a profound positive effect on our health. Therefore cultivating some kind of exercise habit is important for long term well being.

5. Stress is a leading cause of disease and poor health. Developing a routine for handling stress and reducing it is an intregal part of better health.

6. Vitamins are a key component of positive health care and you should take some form of dietary supplement on a daily basis.

7. Healthy relationships create a healthy life. Cultivating, positive life enriching relationships are a key to physical and emotional well being.

8. Getting adequate and restful sleep on a nightly basis is a very important contributor to overall health. Therefore, cultivating good sleep habits is an important characteristic of longevitity.

9. A spiritual practice of some kind is conducive to health and longetivity.

10. The environment we live in plays a key role in determing our health and HAPPINESS.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Top 10 Reasons To Smile

1. Smiling makes us attractive.
2. Smiling Changes Our Mood.
3. Smiling is symbol of happiness.
4. Smiling Relieves Stress.
5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System.
6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure
7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin.
8. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger.
9. Smiling Makes You Seem Successful.
10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive.



1) Heart and circulatory system:
Regular exercise makes the heart muscles stronger and more efficient.

The blood vessels dilate during exercise, and so more blood reaches the muscles. It has been found that during vigorous or rapid exercise, the blood circulation in certain muscles and organs increases 25 to 30 times.

2) The respiratory system: Breathing becomes not only more rapid, but also deeper, thus making increased quantities of oxygen available.

3) The digestive system: The secretion of the digestive juices is stimulated by exercise. Thus digestion becomes more efficient.

4) The musculature: Regular exercise strengthens the muscles, promotes their development and increases their efficiency. Stronger muscles lend better support to the joints.

5) The skin: The pores of the skin open up during exercise. The result is a healthier skin, because of more efficient disposal of impurities and dirt.

6) Temperature of the body: The temperature of the body rises during exercise. This promotes the burning up of the toxic substances in the body.

In short, all the systems of the body derive invaluable benefits from exercise. Each one of us should set aside a minimum period of 30 to 40 minutes every day in the morning for exercise.



Life is a series of human relationships. It is very important that we develop each to its fullest. No one need magnify the importance of the parent-child relationship, the husband- wife relationship, the brother-sister relationship, etc. There is, however, a need to magnify the importance of the friend relationship. Many would never class it in importance with the aforementioned. I think that it should be. Let us observe some advantages in the friend relationship.

1.Friendship is one of the few relationships that never changes
2.It can be a completely unselfish relationship.
3.The friend relationship is one that needs not the acceptance of another.
4.One need never give up one friend for another.
5.A friend may be chosen at any time of life.

Man skin care tips-avoid poping pimple

You used to have a clear face. And everyone thinks you have.
Until finally your face is attacked by acne. You thought you will never have this sort of skin problem. Now your option is to do regular man skin care to lessen if not totally eliminate the discomfort and hassle brought about by acne.

First man skin care tip – do not pop your pimples. Avoid doing this with all your might. Restrain yourself and resist all temptation of tampering with the pimples on your face. Popping your nasty pimples is never the solution. Do you know that if you mess with even a single pimple, a few more will take its place to mess with your face?
But then if you proceeded into taking such a solution as popping pimples to be the solution, then by all means, do it. It is your own face. But one man skin care tip is for you to do popping of pimples with as great precaution as possible.

Make sure that your hands is thoroughly washed and cleaned before you do your popping. Use lots of alcohol to ensure clean handling. However, you must not discount the possibility of popping your pimples resulting into having scars.
A helpful man skin care tip is to use face cleansers, scrubs, creams and exfoliating solutions that are specifically used for dealing with acne. Such man skin care products should be applied correctly or with gentle touch of your fingers and hands as
we all know that your acne-laden skin is already delicate.

Fourteen reasons our society is sleep deprived

  • Rich are richer while the rest of us poorer.
  • We live in a materialist and hedonistic society that believes material goods will make us happy.
  • We are too pessimistic for Cell phones are more important than good manners.
  • Governments are elected by people voting with their wallets rather than their heads.
  • Health care is not as important as tax cuts .
  • Food is losing it's quality as it is transported farther distances.
  • Criminals have more rights than victims.
  • Wages have not kept pace with housing costs.
  • The majority of drivers are careless.
  • We are obsessed that disabled people don't belong in our workforce because they are too slow.
  • We are impatient.
  • Society has misplaced priorities that makes them feel so deprived that we have become too competitive for what little there is.
  • Sleep has gained the unfavorable stigma of being a waste of time and we think it is pretty cool when we can work on less sleep than we really need.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Cute Best Friend Poems .....

You are my best friend,
My very best friend,
You make me happy,
You share your great snacks,
You share your best toys,
So please don't take
My best friend away.

My Best Friend,
Today I found a friend,
Who knew everything I felt.
She knew my every weakness,
And the problems I've been dealt.
She understood my wonders,
And listened to my dreams.
She listened to how I felt about life and love,
And knew what it all means.
Not once did she interrupt me,
Or tell me I was wrong.
She understood what I was going through,
And promised she'd stay long
I reached out to this friend
To show her that i care
To pull her close
and let her know
How much I need her there
I went to hold her hand
To her a bit nearer
And realized that this perfect friend I found
Was nothing but YOU.