Monday, August 22, 2011
setat dr my praktikal atau industrial training je yg paling latest.erm..aku dpt tmpt yg aku x pernah terpikir utk pergi..kilang sawit..yup..aku dpt 3 lg offer dr syarikat lain yg relate ngn kos aku tp pikir punye pikir..dssb is de 1st choice.kt sane aku mybe ade kwn yg same u ngan aku..kt lain blom tntu lg..kwn ni pon awek dak klas aku jugak..hope to be friend with her..rohana@nurul farhana...sudi jd kawan sy???
kawan lama ttp dihati sy..norfarah,natrah,hayati,morina n lilo..sunyi nye idop tanpa kalian kat cni..sob3..rendu gurauan farah,bebelan nat,lagak yat,korean lover moe,n puding karamel lilo..hihi..
berbalik kpd topik asal..pasal praktikal..sumer org msti prnh praktikal kn?cume bezanye tmpt dorang hebat ke x??best ke x??tmpt aku punye xde lah hebat sgt..bese2 tu x pnting coz tmpt ni best sangat2..bos aku baek n walaupon muke beliau slalu satu je,x prnh blanje kitorang dak praktikal pon mmg terbaek dari kilang nye hepi go lucky n sempoi..staf pon ramah n lastly kawan2 yg same praktikal ngan aku.. si rohana,rocade n ronald n boyak..5 sekawan...oppsss 4 sekawan je..boyak bukan kawan kami..kami bukan kawan boyak ...
mcm2 aktiviti kami buat kat kilang ni..1st time g sana perasaan cuak tu kompem ade r..dug..dag..dug..dag bunyi jantung..kalah jantung safee sali bru pas main bile dah kerja lame kat sane baru rase ok..awal2 mmg cuak r coz pakcik2 kt sana terutamanya kat lab muke seyes2 je..padahal tu rupenye tektik dorg xnk bg kitorang tnye dorang byk2.tektik ni terbongkar selepas siasatan dibuat terhadap salah seorang dari mereka.sbnarnye doorang ni baek je...slalu gak blnje mnum jus favourite...
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Your favorite ice cream flavor reveals your personality!!

A study in flavorology directed by the neurologist Dr. Alan R. Hirsch, director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, sponsored by Dreyer’s and Eddy’s Grand Ice Cream (no surprise), says your favorite ice cream flavor can say a lot about you. Dr. Hirsch was surprised to find out that “distinct personalities corresponded with ice cream flavors.”
Well...I’m a 'chocolala', err, I mean I like chocolate+vanilla ice cream and the profile mostly fits.
What about you?

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Things To Do When Bored....
Well, teens are an energetic lot especially during holiday time. So, how does a teen remain busy and happy at the same time? What are the different kinds of things to do for bored teenagers? Are you looking for a cure for boredom? Here are some great ideas for various types of things to do when bored.
Just take a view on these ideas....
~Find a sport you really enjoy. It could be a game of tennis with your friends or a having a whale of a time in the swimming pool. You would surely get rid of your boredom and it would be a great form of exercise as well.
~Here’s one more idea for fun things to do when bored. Bring a map of your town and check out all the new places you can discover. Plan with a group of friends, pack your bags and hit the roads!
~If you have a green thumb, then there is loads of stuff you can do when bored. Check out your backyard and begin with the pruning and cleaning. Plant a few interesting species of flowering plants of your choice and feel the happiness when you see the beautiful blooms.
~Bored teens can even try their hand in the kitchen! Plan with your friends and bake some cookies. Go camping or put up a tent in the backyard and try your hand at outdoor cooking. Of course, you might need expert help in this case!
~Well, are you looking out for stupid things to do when bored? In that case, if you really are planning to irritate your folks at home then you can learn a new accent. Or perhaps even clean your room. This is one thing your mom surely won’t find ‘stupid’!Well, these ideas for fun things to do when bored would surely keep you busy for a while.
Anger Management Techniques For Teens
Relaxation techniques:
Some relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and meditation can help us calm down our anger. Deep breathing involves the breath in and breath out technique. This will help us to reduce the feelings of anger. For this, we have to lie down and inhale as much oxygen and fresh air and exhale the carbon dioxide. Let's repeat the word "relax", while taking a deep breath. Meditation or concentrating on one’s self is another way to diminish the amount of anger.
Teach us to visualize beautiful, green scenery and feel the cool air. For this, we have to lie down and loosen the body muscles; then close eyes and visualize. This technique will help us to cool down our anger.
Good parenting:
Show willingness to hear what we demand from parents. Give us time and show love and affection. Be friendly and learn to forgive others. It is often said "to err is human; to forgive is divine." Therefore, teach us about the importance of forgiving others.
Choose a hobby:
Divert the kids or teens towards their favorite hobbies such as singing, gardening, dancing, painting, stamp collection, etc. or whatever they like. These constructive activities provide pleasurable and satisfying diversion and can help reduce the aggressiveness in kids and teens .
Be assertive:
Instruct us to express their feelings and desires without demanding or offending the rights of others. Train us to be assertive rather than using offensive abuses, which may hurt other persons.
Learning empathy:
Empathy simply refers to an understanding the feelings of others. Teach your kids or teens the importance of analyzing the point of view of others. Remind them that everyone makes mistakes and it is from other's mistakes that we learn how to improve.
Stress management:
Is your kids or teens' anger getting out of control? If yes, then it is time to teach them some stress management skills, as excessive anger may lead them to suffer from stress and anxiety. To cope with stress and unhappiness, teach them to accept anger as an obstruction to success and how to share their feelings with friends. Besides, teach your children to learn to see their own mistakes.
Sense of humor:
Sense of humor may also help your kids and teens to overcome anger. Sometimes, it works like the best medicine. Teach your kids not to be offensive and develop a sense of humor. This will prevent them from taking things too seriously.
These anger management techniques may help you to control the anger of your children, as kids and teens with unmanaged anger can grow up to be harmful to society. Therefore, it is important to help your children learn how to cope with anger from an early stage.
Hey,time to study!

Everyone feels nervous about taking exams. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your revision time and keep those nerves under control.
It’s important to remember that an examination is a test of learning, not memory. Examiners want to see evidence that you have drawn on your knowledge to develop a reasoned argument, rather than replicate course notes and textbook facts. Revision should be a process of consolidating understanding rather than cramming as much information as possible before the morning of the exam.
Revision plan (click here for an example)
The top tip for successful revision is to make a plan; otherwise it is easy to waste your precious revision time. We recommend that you start your revision at least six weeks before your exams begin. It is helpful to look at your exam dates and work backwards to the first date you intend to start revising.
1)List all your exam subjects and the amount of time you think you will need for each one. It is unlikely that the amounts will be equal. Many people find it advisable to allocate more time to the subject or topics they find the most difficult
2)Draw up a revision plan for each week
Fill in any regular commitments you have first and the dates of your examinations
Use Revision Checklists or Syllabuses for each subject as a starting point. Look at what you need to know and try to identify any gaps in your knowledge. (A good way of doing this is to look at the results of past papers or tests you have worked through)
3)Divide your time for each subject into topics based on the units in the revision checklist or syllabus, and make sure you allow enough time for each one
Plan your time carefully, assigning more time to subjects and topics you find difficult
Revise often; try and do a little every day.
4)Plan in time off, including time for activities which can be done out in the fresh air. Take a 5 or 10 minute break every hour and do some stretching exercises, go for a short walk or make a drink
6)Write up your plan and display it somewhere visible
Adjust your timetable if necessary and try to focus on your weakest topics and subjects
7)Don’t panic; think about what you can achieve, not what you can’t. Positive thinking is important!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I Like Grape!!